Monday, April 22, 2013

Celebrate Earth Day with Pudding Plantings

This year I was signed up to bring snack for my daughter's  Daisy troop on Monday, April 22 - Earth Day. I wanted to bring a snack themed for Earth Day and thought of dirt cups...chocolate pudding with crumbled Oreos and gummy worms.

When I was thinking of different ways to decorate them, I realized that we could represent different planting stages by using different toppings. We used pretzel sticks to divide the plate into four sections and spooned pudding into each section. I used about a 1/2c (1 serving) of pudding on each plate.

Winter: I thought of either whipped cream or marshmallows for snow. My daughter liked the idea of both with the whipped cream as the base and the mini-marshmallows as snowballs to throw.

Ready to Plant: I made a traditional dirt cup with crushed Oreos and a sour gummy worm to signify when the land is ready to plant.

Emerging Plants: We added a little bit of green coconut flakes to represent plants beginning to sprout.

Harvest Time: For harvest time, we used more green coconut flakes and added fruit snacks (Welch's) that are shaped like fruit.

I tinted sweetened coconut flakes using the directions on the bag (a few drops of food coloring mixed with 1/2 tsp water). I had to repeat the process twice to achieve the desired color.

The plan is for the Girl Scouts to assemble their own snacks. If you pre-assemble, I recommend only putting the whipped cream on at the end as it tends to deflate over time.

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