Saturday, April 23, 2011

Are you an Easter Bunny Fur-ist?

When it comes to a bunny are you a fur-ist? Do you care whether the Easter Bunny your child visits is white, brown, or some other color?

I never really gave it a thought. Growing up, I remember mostly white bunnies from the pictures. When my daughter was born, I brought her to the nearest mall and sat her on the bunny's lap without thinking about it. It was a white bunny. In my area, I have only seen white bunnies at the malls, egg hunts, and other community events.

Evidently in the area I used to live, most of the bunnies are brown. When I posted my daughter's Easter bunny picture on Facebook, I get comments on how nice the bunny looks compared to the ones they have. Every year my sister in law goes in search of the elusive white bunny to get her daughters' pictures taken.

I will say I have seen some strange white bunnies in my time. So, I'm not willing to say it is all about the bunny's fur color since I have not seen a picture. In the early 80s, there was a seriously deranged looking bunny at a park event we went to. We joke about it every time we see the picture. But in this day and age, I see no reason that a bunny at a high end regional mall should be described as looking like a rat with big ears regardless of its color. I was not able to find a picture of this

As long as the bunny looks normal, I'm not bothered by the fur color. I found this site which has Easter Bunny costumes for sale and I will say I think in general nicest bunnies are the white ones, but not because of the color. I think the gray bunny is as nice as the white bunny version. I like the pink bunny costume compared to the white one below it. Of the brown and white bunnies pictured together, I prefer the white mainly because of the ears and the white fabric is more forgiving in showing the bunch lines. The last bunny is tan and not a bad color, but I just can't get past the eyes, or should I say eye lashes.

As far as I'm concerned, the overall aesthetics of the bunny are more important to me than the color of the fur.

Now, let it be said that I am a bunny fur-ist in other bunny incarnations:

  • Chocolate bunnies...must be chocolate, preferably milk (or dark for my husband). No white chocolate.
  • Marshmallow Bunnies...I'm still a chocolate girl here, as in chocolate covered marshmallows. I'm not usually a Peeps fan, but the new chocolate covered ones might make me a convert. My daughter prefers her marshmallow bunnies as purple peeps. Although if I'd share a chocolate covered one she might change her mind.
  • Cake Bunny...I'd go all chocolate, but we usually do a white face with chocolate ears and a chocolate bow tie (two cake circles, one as the face, one with ears shaped from opposite sides and the remaining center as a bow tie).
  • Decorative Bunnies...I'm flexible here. I have white, chocolate colored, light brown, and we even have pink bunnies.

So what are your thoughts? Is it wrong to be a Fur-ist to prefer a white Easter Bunny? Where do you stand on the edible bunnies?
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