Monday, September 16, 2013

Today We've Got to Play!

Disclaimer: I am a Gymboree Affiliate and am compensated for sales through Gymboree links. I have also been compensated for sharing this post with you. I appreciate your support of my blog by shopping through my links. 
I cannot believe how quickly my daughter is growing! She's in second grade now and almost any time we pull in the driveway she's asking to run next door and play with a friend instead of coming in the house. Last weekend we were at a picnic and when I was looking for my daughter, my eyes went right over her. I was looking at the kids who only came up to her shoulder.

Gymboree has created the following video to remind you that "Today We've Got to Play!" to celebrate and share cherished moments in childhood. Gymboree has created an amazing new video to help kick off this campaign:

Again, I am amazed at how old my daughter has gotten. She is older and less into the type of play shown in the video. Most of her clothes came from Gymboree from the time she was 2 or 3 until last fall in first grade. Sadly, she has outgrown their styles.

So watch and enjoy, then share your favorite cherished childhood moments in the comments! Be sure to use the hashtag #cherishchildhood when commenting or if you share this video with friends!
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