Monday, March 22, 2010

Easter - More than just candy in the baskets

Traditionally Easter baskets were a big candy fest. However, from a health perspective, that is not the best of ideas. My daughter was only 3 months for her first Easter, so we had no option but to start with non-food items.

I will typically include a movie. Conveniently, Disney usually has a spring release movie. This year, Princess and the Frog. Other recent releases include Monsters vs Aliens, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, and a few others. There are also Easter themed DVDs like It's the Easter Beagle Charlie Brown.

We also use Easter as an opportunity to give outdoors toys as spring is starting. We often do small items like chalk and bubbles. I was planning on a jump rope, but she asked Santa for one, so she got it then. My daughter will also be getting a new bike helmet as I discovered last night that hers is too small. This fall, I found sidewalk paint and 3D chalk sets from Crayola on clearance, and have those put away for her Easter basket.

For my daughter's first Easter, I found Candy Land board books at the Dollar Tree so they replaced actual candy. In continuing the candy theme you can give Candy Land game, Candy Land Castle, or Candy Land Sweet Celebrations. I gave my daughter Candy Land Castle last year at age 3, and it was very easy for her, so I suggest it for younger children. For girls, you could also give Strawberry Shortcake dolls continuing the idea of treats.

So, what are you putting in your child's Easter basket?

See other posts on Easter.
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