Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snowy Day Activities

The snow is coming down here today. My daughter and I are enjoying a rare day at home this afternoon. We are in the basement playroom: I am typing this on the laptop as she plays with her toys.

She has taken her My Little Ponies to Disney World. Her My Friends Tigger & Pooh Changing Tree was Epcot, Her Sweetie Belle Gumball House is Bay Lake Tower where she stayed on her most recent trip. The ponies then flew home in her Lego airplane and took a ride in the plastic heart (which had candy last year). When they got out their parents were happy to see them. I guess she is re-enacting her recent trip with her grandparents and aunt without us.

I was supposed to go to the gym while she was at school, so I guess I will just skip it today. Shoveling snow should be a good replacement right?

Now she is taking her hand sanitizers in the airplane to visit the My Little Ponies. Remind me to thank my mother-in-law for buying her 5 different scented hand sanitizers from Bath & Body Works. She loves these things. We have to smell them almost daily and she treats them like characters. I don't know if they will ever be used to clean hands.

For the rest of the day, we will probably watch a movie, play a few games, and I am still hopeful that she will take a nap (and maybe I can too). Plus, at some point we will head out to play/shovel.

By tomorrow, I will probably be going stir crazy, but for today, we are just enjoying a lazy day at home. We have been on the go so much lately that she has not had a lot of time to play with her toys.

So, what are you and your preschooler doing on this snowy day?
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