Friday, October 23, 2009

Halloween Party at regular playgroup

We had a Halloween Party today at our regular playgroup. The kids range in age from 2 months to 4 yrs old. We had potluck for various lunch and snack foods and most of the moms brought treats to hand out for a parade.

We started the playgroup as normal with the kids just playing, but many in costume. Then we had snack/lunch time (taking costumes off to protect them).

After eating, we made Lollipop Ghosts which were a hit for some, and some kids were more interested in eating the lollipops. Start with a spherical lollipop like a Dum-Dum or a Tootsie Pop (we used mini Tootsie Pops) and drape a white tissue over it to make a ghost. Mom or another helper then ties a string around the base of the lollipop to hold the tissue in place. I had black and orange cross stitch thread that worked great. Then the kids drew eyes and a mouth on their ghosts.

After the craft and cleaning up the toys, we had a treat parade. The moms with treats spread out around the room. We would have gone outside to spread out more, but it was pouring rain all day. One Mom had made bags up that had room in them, so we had the kids start with her to have a place to put their goodies. The kids all enjoyed getting their goodies. Some of the moms brought alternatives to chocolate including note pads, crayons, straws, spider rings, and skeletons.

The party was a nice low key way to incorporate Halloween into our regular playgroup meeting.

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