Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Story Time with a 4.5 year old!

My daughter decided it was story time. She wanted to tell them to her friends 1 year old brother who we are watching. I have not edited these. My only input was to ask her to repeat or to clarify something.

"Once a frog met a scary monster. The scary monster made a potion out of the frog. And only if someone smelled him would he be a frog again. But no one ever came to smell him, so he was a potion forever."

"There was lots of people at a zoo. And lots and lots of people came. And they all seed everything and then it was a great zoo and then the animals never ever escaped. They decided to stay there day AND night. And then they drank ate & played. They were so tired they went fast asleep."

"There was a princess who loved to kiss frogs and play and work. And then she found a great castle which was not scary. So she stepped inside and she loved it. And when she stepped inside, she got a princess gown so she became a real princess. And the bed was her favorite color. She liked orange and that was the color of the bed. And then the prince came and married her. and lived happily ever after. The End"

"Once there was a girl who was all alone in a parade. And she never ever met any other friends. And she didn't have any friends. She decided to make friends. But none of the friends didn't like her. Some were boys, some were bad, some didn't like her songs, and dresses, and gowns, and beds. And she never ever made friends. The End."

"It's the bestest one. It is about the bathroom that never ever flushed people down the drain. Once there was a toilet that didn't flush people down the drain. But it always used to flush them down. But it learned to never, ever flush people down. Then they all lived without dying. Then they all played jump, spin like a princess, and lived happily ever after without getting flushed."

"There were arrows being thrown all over the town. Then people pulled on them, took them out, and threw them out in the garbage. Then it was very happy days. Then people through more, and more, and more arrows. Then the city was destroyed and they all went to hospitals."

"It's that tomato frog (a frog grabber with a frog grabber head) got hurt. Then he slept in Francis (her ladybug tent named after the ladybug in Bugs Life) then he was really feeling better now. And he is out of Francis and real happy and he was loved. Then he played almost every day with me. The End!"

I hope her friends don't end up with nightmares from the "happy" endings.

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