Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lego Family Creation Challenge - Playdate Review

Today we went to the Lego Family Creation Challenge at our local Toys R Us. The intent of the play date was to promote interest in the new Lego Games line, particularly Creationary. They had two tables set up, one where children were given a sheet of Lego Games stickers and could build any Lego creation they wanted from plain bricks. They were able to take their creation and the stickers home. The other table was setup for a chance to stump their parent by building an object they were shown a picture of. For example, my daughter was shown a picture of a Lego snake and after one look she had to build the snake and I had to guess what she had built.

My daughter had a lot of fun at the event. She loved getting to put stickers on her creation. She insisted on waiting in line for the creation challenge. I did feel that they could have been setup for higher capacity. They had 6 slots for the Family Creation challenge & 5 for the make it/take it. We arrived a little before noon & shopped for a while. A couple of minutes before noon we saw a line had formed, so we got in line. We were able to be the first group to do the free form creation, but then had to wait in line for the creation challenge.

The Lego Games do look interesting, but are mostly geared for older children. Most had a minimum age of 7 or 8. I have told my daughter that I will make our own version of this game by giving her pictures of things to build (a boat, a bench, a snake, etc). Considering that we already have a fair number of plain pieces, this is a much more economical way to make a game.

Of course, we did not walk out of Toys R Us empty-handed. They had a bin of sale Lego items. We found a Castle Building Set, a Pirate Building Set, and a Fire Fighter Building Set each marked down from $11.99 to $5.99. She has already built her Fire Fighter set. This set is really cool in that it comes with a little fire flame and a jet of water for the fire hose. Each set also includes a mini-figure which is one of her favorite things to play with.
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